You CAN overcome, and even prevent, objections like the following that normally paralyze many homeschoolers from accepting a leadership position.
"It will take too much time. I'm too busy."
"I don't want to look greedy for power or like I want to lead. After all, the first shall be last, and it doesn't seem humble to accept."
"Someone else can do it better."
"I don't have a clue what to do."
"Would it mean that I have to speak in front of the group sometimes? I hate speaking in front of people."
You can set their mind at ease and educate them with the truth. You might feel like you want to roll your eyes and tell them everyone else is busy as well, etc. But it is better to anticipate their objections and approach each potential homeschool leader with empathy and respect.
Objection 1: It will take too much time. I'm busy. Be understanding of their time concerns. Be honest with them of the time it takes you to do the job or fulfill the position. Find out how many responsibilities they have and whether it would be good for them to add one more. Encourage them that you asked them because you know that busy people know how to organize their time and get things done.
Objection 2: I don't want to look greedy for power. The truth is that this is a servant's position that is going to take a servant's heart. It may look like
a "high position," but it is instead a foundational one that lives out serving
others in love daily. Most people wish to make a difference in people's lives; point out that this opportunity to minister to
homeschooling families can do just that. It is worth it when you encourage individuals and bless families following the will of God for their lives.
Objection 3: I don't know what to do. Many times people overlook the personal growth that comes from volunteering in leadership. It is true that they may not know what to do . . . did any of us? Let them know that you will be there for them, you will explain things to them, not judge them, and give them freedom to learn and grow. (Learning keeps you young, you know!) Commonly God brings new experiences into our lives to stretch us beyond ourselves, to teach us to rely on Him and bring about more Christ-likeness in us.
Objection 4: I'm afraid to speak in front of people or lead a group. Fear squeals its objections and keeps good people in bondage to the status quo.
Be kind when dealing with the feelings of fear that threaten to overwhelm the person. Reassure them that the position fits their God-given talents and that others will be there to help. It's a team effort. Be excited that this gives them the opportunity to conquer fears, build faith and enjoy growth.
You CAN inspire others to leap over their own objections and choose the many life-changing rewards of leading a homeschool group. Ultimately, you or they cannot do it all, but Christ through you CAN.
Growing with you,
Denise Hyde