Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Path to Encouragement

Have you heard the saying that humility is not thinking of yourself as small, but it is not thinking of yourself at all?! It is such an insightful saying and the key to successful homeschool group leadership!

Humility will enable you to encourage your members with a true genuineness. From a sincere desire to help others succeed, you can express many ways to lift them up on their home schooling journey.

There are several ways to put this desire to encourage into action as you communicate through speaking or writing that are good:
  • open up about yourself--others will be able to relate in part or all of your story. It comes with risks to self, but the rewards are worth it.
  • show sympathy to each--this is a response of sensing and sharing in their feelings, needs and experiences.
  • compliment their talents--appreciate the work and special touch that each give to the group.
  • give credit to all involved--success comes from the understanding that we did not get it done without others.
  • always speak well of others--the biggest encouragement will come when they can trust that you always speak well of everyone in the group whether they are there or not.
Out of your humble leadership and genuine encouragement your group's members will feel safe, comfortable, understood, and appreciated. You will be establishing an environment for building some great friendships and supporting really great home schools.

Then when you see their wonderful smiles, their friendships, their confidence in home schooling, you can smile contentedly and give all the credit to whom it is truly due--the Lord Jesus.

Thanking my Lord,

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